What is the Iconic Advantage®?
It’s never been more important to harness the power of iconic design. The current trend towards disposability in so many sectors (e.g. Fast Fashion) is leading to commoditized markets, reduced profits and a drive to quantity over quality. On top of that, technology is reducing the barriers of entry for new disruptive companies and established businesses are becoming obsolete overnight. The best way to protect your business from these threats is by building iconic advantage - a strategy that builds real differentiation based on meaningful product benefits. This will help any business build deep and lasting loyalty with their customers that they can grow year on year and use to expand into further product lines.
This book looks at some of the world’s biggest brands to uncover the secrets of creating iconic properties and maximizing the value they create. It reveals universal principles of iconicity - creating noticing power, enhancing staying power and driving scaling power - to immediately unlock iconic value.
The book explains how to spot the iconic value in your existing products and how to stack the odds in your favor in developing new iconic properties. It explains how to analyze your product range to find the hidden iconic design features that can become the core of your brand. It shows you how to create instant recognizability across your products. And it reveals how to manage the design and innovation process through proven best practices.
This book isn’t just about celebrating the iconic brands that are already part of our lives, it’s about giving you the tools to create your own. It will help you create competitive advantage, protect your brand from obsolescence and build stronger customer loyalty.