It isn’t always the biggest, baddest or fastest mousetrap that gets the mice, it’s the one with the stinkiest cheese.


This workshop is based on the theories and strategies outlined in the bestselling book, Iconic Advantage.

The first and most essential step to creating Iconic Advantage is Noticing Power. This is about creating a brand that stands out in the market and sticks around over time. You can’t move on to the next stages until you’ve nailed this one.

The main way you create Noticing Power is by developing iconic signature elements that embody your brand’s key point of difference. These serve as shorthand reminders of your brand’s DNA.

Signatures can be visual, experiential or emotional.

Here’s a quick summary:


  • Features

  • Style

  • Color

  • Silhouette


  • POV

  • Story & Heritage


  • Sensorial Stimuli

  • Moments (experiences)


This is a 1-day workshop that works best with a cross-functional team from across your organization. Our aim is to identify or create signature elements in your product or service. Then refine them to make them as powerful as possible.

We shape the session to your needs but it will tend to involve:

  • Clearly defining the key points of difference

  • Identifying opportunities for signature elements

  • Developing these to make them noticeable and powerful

  • Developing a customer journey map and identifying the pivotal moments along the way

  • Removing pain and adding signature moments of delight

  • Develop basic prototypes of the best ideas to test on internal and external audiences

If you want, we can help you develop prototypes further and help to run research sessions afterwards.